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$50m for Canberra film industry

24 June 2015 by News Desk

ind_moviecamera1Canberra’s growing movie industry has received a boost with a new ten year contract to produce a string of feature films.

Film companies Jia Films and SilverSun Pictures have signed a 10-year deal with China’s Yuezhong Pictures to produce 10 films in Australia. First in the series will be called Australia Gold, about a Chinese bush ranger, and will have a budget of $15 million. Most of the material used in English language films will be shot in Australia.

Cindy Li, CEO of Jia Films, said: “We want to establish a long-term partnership to produce screen projects. Australia has proven to produce high quality films. Chinese filmmakers are looking for international partners who can bring international prospects and quality to Chinese film market.”

The Canberra based production houses plan to make one movie a year with each film having a minimum budget of $5 million.

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