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50,000 jobs in Western Australia

11 April 2016 by News Desk

WA Labor leader Mark McGowan has pledged to invest hundreds of millions of dollars to create new jobs in Western Australia.

jobs in Western AustraliaThe Labor policy for jobs in Western Australia is described as the most comprehensive employment plan ever released in the state.

The plan will involve massive investment in new infrastructure that will create tens of thousands of new jobs in Western Australia.

Local projects and local workers are central to the Labor party’s employment plan.

Investment will include $425 million over five years to increase jobs in tourism, $17 million for the Labor’s Science for Schools program and $14.5 million for a New Industries Fund.

A further $2 million would be used to attract more overseas students to study at WA universities.

More money will be spent on a boost to renewable energy industries and to expand the state’s industry and technology parks.

The biggest part of the plan involves creating more tourism jobs in Western Australia. The WA tourism industry currently creates around 94,000 jobs every year and will need 13,000 new workers by 2020.

The existing state government, however, says more jobs will be created in future under the current regime.

The WA Minister for State Development and Finance says over 90,000 jobs in Western Australia have already been created and that 90,000 more could be created.

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