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10,000 jobs in NW Tasmania

29 August 2015 by News Desk

jobs_sign01Up to 200 job vacancies each week are on offer in the North West of Tasmania, that’s 10,000 jobs over the course of a year.

The figures were revealed at a recent forum where leading members of the business and residential community gathered to discuss local issues including housing, health and jobs.

Mining and manufacturing have suffered over recent years but traditional industries such as farming and forestry are booming and require an influx of skilled works.

Tasmania’s milk production increased 30% last year but dairy farmers have found it very difficult to find qualified farm managers. Also experiencing growth is the region’s forestry sector with the Forico company taking on workers and seeking to double their harvesting and haulage capacity.

Darrell Todd of thinkingaustralia says: “The north west of Tasmania is an area blessed with outstanding natural beauty and the promise of an attractive lifestyle. Skilled workers are needed to fill existing vacancies – and the many new jobs being created”.

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