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Surfer rides ‘biggest wave’ in Australia

30 June 2015 by News Desk

sport_surfing1An Australian surfer has ridden an 18-metre wall of water described as “probably the biggest wave ever in Australia”.

Justin Holland, a professional surfer, joined dozens of surfers who gathered in the waters off the coast of Margaret River in Western Australia to meet huge waves coming in from the Indian Ocean. A massive low-pressure system over the Ocean created the giant waves that surfers live for.

Holland was towed by jet-ski onto the huge wave as it formed 2km off the coast of Grace Town. He rode the wave for a few seconds before being wiped out by the vertical wall of water.

But it wasn’t all fun and frollicks in the surf. Holland, 35, broke his left leg while being picked up by the jet-ski and was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. Holland had travelled 2,800 miles from his home in New South Wales to ride the surf and despite his injury, says he has no regrets about making the trip.

Darrell Todd, CEO of thinkingaustralia, says: “The record wave was up to 70ft (21m) high and experts say it was probably the biggest wave ever ridden in Australia. Weather conditions that create such giant surf are rare and record-breaking waves only strike land in Australia every few years.”

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