Skills mean new life in Oz
08 March 2016 by News DeskIf you’re seeking a new career or lifestyle challenge then you could be thinkingaustralia, where skills mean new life down under.
Of all the 189,097 people granted visas to live and work in Australia, almost 70 per cent (127,774) are skilled, qualified or professional workers.
“If you are an experienced, qualified or professional worker then your skills mean new life down under,” says Darrell Todd, CEO of thinkingaustralia.
Skills mean new life down under – as the top occupations in the Skill stream programme are Professionals (67.1 per cent), Technicians and Trades Workers (16.7 per cent) and Managers (9.0 per cent) according to latest official figures.
“There are plenty of opportunities for skilled workers in Australia so contact us today to find out how you could be living the dream down under.”
Want to live and work Down Under? Click here for: Skilled Migration to Australia
“The most effective route to temporary work or permanent migration is via the Australian Skill stream programme,” says Darrell Todd. Over 82 per cent of all applicants granted a visa have an occupation on the Skilled Occupation List.”
Latest official figures show 72,840 visas (57 per cent) were granted under General Skilled Migration.
48,250 visas (37.8 per cent) were granted under the Employer Sponsored category places. It comprised of the 2014–15 Skill stream outcomes.
42,183 visas (33 per cent) were granted under the State-Specific and Regional Migration programme.
35,870 visas (74.3 per cent) were granted under the Employer Nomination Scheme.
29,192 primary applicants (82.6 per cent of all applicants) had an occupation on the Skilled Occupation List.
12,380 visas (25.7 per cent) were granted under the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme.
6,484 visas were granted via the Business Innovation and Investment Programme.
Most recent figures also show a further 61,085 visas were granted in the Family stream and 238 in the Special Eligibility stream. Skills mean new life down under.
Want to live and work in Australia? Click here for more info: Jobs in Australia
Click here for tourist info about Australia: Visit Australia