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Perth fruit & veg market sale

01 August 2015 by News Desk

food-marketThe biggest fruit and vegetable market in Perth is being sold by the State government in a bid to raise extra funds.

Market City located in Canning Vale, Perth is where over half of the fresh fruit and vegetables sold in Western Australia are traded through the wholesalers at the market. Market City is also home to W.A.’s only seafood auction centre.

The market is in a larger area of land being sold off by the government for redevelopment and a condition of any sale is that the facility remains a market. The tender will include the market facilities and the 51 hectares of land it sits on, 16 kilometres south of the Perth central business district. The land is expected to be valued in tens of millions of dollars.

Now growers, wholesalers, retailers and distributors are being lined up in a bid to buy the market and secure its’ future.

Trish Skinner of the Chamber of Fruit and Vegetable Industries says: “We’re starting with our members and tenants on site. There are 200 businesses on site many of those have expressed an interest. From there we’ll extend it out to grower groups, individual growers, industry participants and anybody involved in the industry who wants to claim a stake on their future.”

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