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Moving to Australia: walking more popular than football

09 December 2016 by News Desk

Moving to Australia where walking comes out ahead of any other sport or physical activity.

sp_402waMoving to Australia where the single most popular sport or physical activity for adults is walking (43 per cent), while the most popular organised sport or physical activity outside of school hours for children is swimming

The most popular club-based participation sport in the country for adults and children is football, according to a national survey by the Australian Sports Commission.

John Wylie, head of AusPlay, said the survey collected adults’ and children’s sport and physical recreation participation data together for the first time.

“The Australian Government’s investment in AusPlay means we will now have a deeper understanding of the sport and physical activity behaviours of our nation,” he said.

“The AusPlay survey will report every six months and provide up-to-date information about trends in sport and physical activity participation that will guide key decisions in this area.”

Moving to Australia: walking more popular than football

Findings from the first 12 months of AusPlay data also show that sport is very important for children and they are more likely to take part in organised sport-related activities than other forms of organised physical activity outside of school hours

Physical health and fitness is the top motivator for all types of sport and physical activity with sport-related activity seen as being more fun and social

Time constraints is the biggest barrier to sport and physical activity for adults up to middle age

Australians spend $10.7 billion a year on sport and physical activity participation fees, with less than a third (29 per cent) going to sports clubs

Use of technology in support of physical activity is particularly popular among young adults and women

Australia’s most popular participation sports

Football 18.8%
Golf 11.9%
Australian football 11.0%
Netball 10.8%
Tennis 10.1%
Cricket 9.7%
Swimming 4.6%

Thinking of Moving to Australia? Click here for expert help: Skilled Migration to Australia

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