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Internet speed of Aussie ISPs

15 May 2015 by News Desk

iPatch-photo caption twoThe success of streaming video services like Netflix is using up around 25% of Australian ISP’s bandwidth.

The surprise figure has been revealed after Netflix announced its first Australian internet service provider speed index, showing which ISP delivers the best speed for streaming video.

TPG came top of the rankings with an average speed of 3.36Mbps, closely followed by Optus at 3.27Mbps. Australia’s biggest telco and ISP Telstra ranks last with customers getting an average speed of 2.23Mbps. Netflix and other streaming providers recommend a minimum speed of 5Mbps for HD content and 25Mbps for Ultra-HD 4K content.

Australian ISPs such as iiNet say Netflix’s service accounts for up to 25 per cent of the telco’s total internet

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