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Guy Pearce to play Perth concert

16 June 2015 by News Desk

ent_GuyPearce1Movie star Guy Pearce will add to his growing musical reputation when he appears onstage in Perth at the city’s 2015 ARTBAR music festival.

Pearce, star of hit movie Iron Man 3, launched a parallel music career with his album, Broken Bones, last year and now he’s set to team up with Powderfinger’s Darren Middleton during his performance at the Art Gallery of Western Australia in October.

Headlining acts at this year’s ARTBAR festival will also include Aussie chart stars The Preatures, San Cisco and Clare Bowditch and The Royal Jelly Dixieland Band. The event kicks off on August 20 and includes entry to the WA indigenous Art Awards while the final three shows will include entry to the Treasure Ships: Art in the Age of Spices exhibition.

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