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Emigrate to Australia: Tips 4 Success

12 May 2016 by News Desk

Emigrate to Australia. That is a life’s dream for many people. But the dream can come true if you really want to live Down Under.

Emigrate to Australia

Elizabeth and Darrell Todd

Elizabeth Todd had a dream to emigrate to Australia. Her dream has come true and so can yours, she says.

Emigrate to Australia: Elizabeth writes: “As part of my job with thinkingaustralia I’ve been fortunate to have visited every state and territory in oz, and I can honestly say that this is the place for me. It’s more than you read and hear about, it’s better than true: it’s ‘living the dream’…

“Everywhere I go I see Growth, Excitement and a Positive Vision of The Future. While UK suffers an economic chill, down under it’s scorching – and not just because of the weather! The Australian economy is solid and stable with a fraction of the debt of other nations. The jobs market is booming; developers can’t build houses and offices fast enough and inbound investment continues to pour into the country. This growth will continue for the next 20 years. It’s a fact: Australia IS the future.

“I’ll always be Welsh, I’ll always love my country of birth but I am determined to make Australia my new home and NOW is the time to make the move. I’m not unique – the same opportunity is here for all. You just need to want it badly enough to take the first step. Believe me, you will not regret it.”

Emigrate to Australia: Top Tips for Success

1. Gather as much information as possible, to ensure you are eligible.You’d be surprised how many people book a holiday Visa and think it will suffice. These people always end up disappointed and out of pocket.

2. Question the information you are given, as there are many so-called experts who will take your money, then let you down. Double-check your options because, if done properly, you WILL have a range of choices. As my husband Darrell says to clients – you’re moving country, not just house and it’s a massive step with many decisions to make and issues to consider.

3. Work out your finances and the costs involved. Not just before you go but to ensure success when you arrive and beyond. Give yourself some financial leeway, plan for hard times as well as the good. Get you head down and work hard for two years and this investment will ensure a lifetime of success. The streets are not paved with gold: you must make your own luck and good fortune. But it IS achievable. You have to work to attain the lifestyle you seek but its there for the taking if you want it.

4. Plan your every step carefully. At thinkingAustralia we see personal and family disasters every day, where people have made the mistake of thinking it’s all Home and Away – not so. It’s amazing the number of folk who want to emigrate to Australia and who think they can simply land at Sydney airport and start a new life: big mistake – followed by even bigger disappointment.

5. Invest wisely – this is critical: Australia is not an easy country to enter, so you’ll need to invest both time and money to get it right. Your investment will be reward enough when you succeed – and the returns are for life.

If you want to emigrate to Australia thinkingAustralia can help with all aspects of your journey. We offer these services to help you make informed choices. Migration is not a walk in the park, but in conclusion my best ‘ tip ‘ of the day is GO 4 it.

These are a few of my Top Tips, from personal experience. Want to share YOUR experience or views on migration? We welcome your contribution. We’ve a special new section on our website, so add your tips and views as well. Every insight is a big help to others who’re considering migration or already involved in the process.

Want to live and work Down Under? Click here for more info: skilled jobs in australia

Want to live and work Down Under? Click here for more info: Work in the Lucky Country

Click here for tourist information about Australia: Visit Australia

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