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Canberra, Melbourne and Perth best for jobs

06 May 2015 by News Desk

Jobs02Adelaide has come out top of a poll for ‘liveability’ but Canberra, Melbourne and Perth scored higher for job opportunities, education and public transport.

The nationwide ‘My City: The People’s Verdict’ survey, conducted by Auspoll, asked residents in Australia to judge their city’s performance in 17 areas, including design, safety, education, housing and government.

Adelaide came out on top for the second consecutive year, with residents in Adelaide scoring the city top for liveability. The city’s’ affordability, healthcare and clean, attractive environment are considered its best assets. But Canberra, Melbourne and Perth scored higher for job opportunities, education and public transport infrastructure.

The poll’s findings include:

Three in four locals see Adelaide as an affordable place to maintain a good standard of living; less than half believe that Adelaide has job opportunities, which was the worst result for a mainland capital city. Adelaide ranked highest for good health services – with 67 per cent satisfied with healthcare; 69 per cent believe that Adelaide has good schools and educational facilities, which is just below the 71 per cent national average. Most respondents felt that Adelaide had a good mix of housing types and was a safe city to live in.

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