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80,000 new jobs since Jan 2015

07 May 2015 by News Desk

Jobs02Prime Minister Tony Abbott believes there is still every reason to be optimistic about employment prospects in Australia despite a slight rise in jobless figures.

The unemployment rate rose 0.1 per cent to 6.2 per cent in April while, nationally, the number of people employed fell by 2900. But Mr Abbott says 80,000 jobs have been created since the start of the year.

“There is every reason to be optimistic and encouraged about employment prospects in Australia,” Mr Abbott told reporters.


Darrell Todd, CEO of thinkingaustralia, says: “Employment prospects in Australia remain high despite this current ‘blip’ in official figures. The demand for skilled workers remains high across the country. If you are seeking a job and better lifestyle down under, contact us today!”

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